Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Chosen Lifestyle, Part II

What’s the goal of Christian living?
Simple: To mature in our love for God and our love for others (Matthew 22:34-40)

We don’t get here over night.  This goal is a lifelong journey.

Designing a Framework for Life helps us in our walk with God.

So let’s look at the first part of the framework:

A Man’s Heart
Our heart represents the inner life, our character and central motivating factors.  In other words, our heart is what we really are when no one is looking. 

Think of the heart as the foundation for everything else in life. 

Here are some things to build toward:
  • An increased sensitivity and awareness of God’s presence
  • Familiarity with the character and power of God through Scripture
  • A confidence in who you are as a Christian
  • Experiencing divine strength, peace and joy
There are practices that help us tune into the life, presence and voice of God.  Such practices include prayer, reading Scripture, solitude, the study of Scripture and material related to the Christian life.

Two important notes:

First, try different Christian practices/disciplines until you discover what fits your design.  For instance, God connects with me when I’m alone and reading.  I know another brother who connects with God through praise and worship songs.

Second, focus on consistency throughout the week and don’t give up when you fall short.  Life is full of ups and downs and changes.  For instance, if you miss morning devotion then go to lunch by yourself and be with your God.  Don’t sulk.  Get back on track.  Seek your Father in secret and with all your heart.

Please remember that Jesus Christ is personally discipling you through the Holy Spirit.  We believe that the Holy Spirit lives in us and gives us the life of God.  The point is to get started on the journey to building up the area of your heart.

So please share:
  • What spiritual practices/disciplines have you enjoyed the most?
  • What has been the greatest challenge in cultivating your heart?
Please post your thoughts below.

Next time I’ll share concerning “A Man’s Strength.”

Your brother,

Minister Onorio 

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