Sunday, May 29, 2011

Calling All Heroes

Hollywood has finally caught up to what most little boys have always known.

Superheroes are awesome!

And this summer we are FULL of superheroes.
  • The Mighty Thor
  • The X-Men
  • The Green Lantern
  • And Captain America
I’m amazed as I watch men talk about the lessons in Thor.  I can’t wait to start hearing men discuss the other films.

WOW!  Is our culture trying to tell us something?  Is Hollywood just making a buck and taping into the inner child in many men?

Or is God using Hollywood to send us a message?

Our world still needs heroes.

Are you answering the call?

Wives want to be held by their hero husbands who lead with vision and love sacrificially. 

Children need a father who will speak magical words like “I love you” and “you are special.”

As the summer heats up, organizations need men to help a summer outreach, a basketball camp or be a big brother.

And no matter how hot it gets, and how much some sisters are showing, godly women want a single man committed to sexual purity.  They want to be loved not lusted. 

The world needs a real Thor who honors his Heavenly Father.  Will you be the hero to do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?

The world needs a team of men united by a common purpose.  Men who aren’t trying to fit into the world around them but to be the change the world needs.

God has called us to be a light that brings life to others.  To be a light that dispels fear and darkness. 

And this nation needs men who will declare that we are not made great by hedonism, materialism, or humanism.  But what makes us great is a willingness to lay down our lives for others.
  • What do you think of all the “superhero” movies?
  • Who was your favorite hero growing up?
  • Are you taking your children to any of these movies?

Answer the call.

Your brother,

Minister Onorio

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