Monday, January 30, 2012

Where I've Been

What’s up family!  First, I do want to thank all of my brothers and sisters for reading, sharing and supporting the Blueprint for Manhood Blog.

Second, Happy New Year!  A couple of weeks late but I still hope that there are new blessings manifesting in your life.

Where have I been?  Well, in Brooklyn mostly but you know that’s not what I mean.  Blogging or writing has been challenging for the latter half of 2011.  And I’m trying to get back into the swing of things now in 2012.

First, I started my journey toward a Doctorate in Ministry at Alliance Theological Seminary.  More than an education, this has been a new encounter with the Lord.

This is a whole new level of researching, reading and writing for me and taking the time for this blog has been difficult. 

The beauty of this Seminary experience is the intentional mentoring and coaching from the Professors.  It has been both humbling and inspiring to also be in a class full of colleagues in ministry.  My classmates are doing incredible things for the Kingdom yet they’ve joined this program to continue their growth.

Second, there have been significant changes in relationships and in ministry that have made my life a lot more hectic.  The changes have been like cutting off my right arm but they were necessary.  Right arm or not, when change is necessary, not to change is destructive.

And I am not simply making a comeback.  I am also going to launch a new blog focused on Life for everyone.  I will continue to minister messages targeting men through the Blueprint.  But I do want to begin a blog about life and specifically life in Christ. 

Thank you again for your support and please continue to keep me in your prayers.

Your brother,

Minister Onorio 


  1. Yo know I'm proud of you Doc and you are always in my prayers

  2. Will continue to lift you up in prayer Min.Onorio, you are doing an awesome job in the body of Christ.....So continue to push forward. Your family in Christ are here for & with you (especially ICB).
    Thank U for Serving,
    Ibert Glenn.


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