Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Spirit of the King

Most of the men I know want to be the king of their home.  But Jesus the Christ is the King of kings.  Meaning that our little “kingdoms” need to be subjected to the character, standards and motivations of Christ.  There should be a throne at the center of our lives with the name of Jesus written upon it.  We are called to rule our lives in the Spirit of the King who laid down his life to save us.

Few kings, rulers and leaders have ever embodied the true spirit of leadership.  The true spirit of leadership, as Reverend AR Bernard has taught, is the Spirit of dominion.  When God created man he commanded him to have dominion.  You see, the dominion spirit brings the best out in others.  The dominion mindset understands that we own nothing but we are called to be faithful stewards of everything. 

The spirituality of many kings and rulers has been the satanic spirit of domination.  The domination spirit uses lies, manipulation and fear to take and keep its rule.  After Adam rebelled against God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil this became the mark of humanity's leadership style. 

The challenge is simple; in what spirit will you lead?

Leadership books are great.  And it is great learning about principles of leadership.  

But we need to grow in our relationship with God through Christ to embody His Spirit of leadership.
  • Would our families say that we bring the best out in them
  • Would our employers say that we were faithful?
  • Would our friends say that we lie and manipulate to get our way?
I pray that our Father would help us to lead like Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Please post your thoughts and questions below.

Your brother,

Minister Onorio

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